10. Juni 2018 – Theatertag ‚Was für ein Theater‘
Ort: Hof und Bibliothek, Bierapotheke Murau, Anna Neumann Straße 34, 8850 Murau, Steiermark
11 Uhr
Uraufführung des Librettos
Doppler – über das Schicksal der Doppelsterne
Eine Oper in drei Akten von Friedrich Danielis
Es spielen: Helga Illich und Helmut Wiesner
Musik des Komponisten der Oper Wolfgang Florey komponiert für die Lesung des Librettos.
Interpretiert von der Cellistin Susan Salm.
15 Uhr
Lustspiel von Arthur Schnitzler
Es spielen: Helga Illich und Helmut Wiesner
19 Uhr
Dramatische Performance nach Thea Dorn mit
Irmi Horn (Marlene Dietrich), Wera Köhler (Leni Riefenstahl) & Henrik Sande (Barpianist) Inszenierung/Ausstattung: Irmi Horn
Assistentin: Bianca Molinatto
Eine kunstGarten-Produktion
„Zurück? …. Nach Murau.“
Marcus Neustetter (www.marcusneustetter.com) und Bronwyn Lace (www.bronwynlace.com)
November 2017 – Jänner 2018 in der Alten Apotheke und in der Stadt Murau
Programm auf www.salvatorhaus.com
Art Residency – Bischwa Goswami und Brischti Sultana aus Bangladesch (www.bishwajitgoswami.com)
- Juli, 18 Uhr, RATHAUS Murau: FINISSAGE von Werken von Bishwa Goswami und Brishti Tania Sultana, die während ihres Aufenthaltes in Murau im Mai und Juni 2017 produziert wurden. Das Artist in Residence Programm von Bishwa und Brishti wurden von Salvatorhaus gesponsert.
- Mai 2017, ab 10 Uhr ‚Tag der offenen Ateliers‘ in der Alten Apotheke
Gespräch und Ausstellung mit den beiden Kunstschaffenden: „Was können wir von Murau lernen? Was wollt ihr von uns kennenlernen?“
Werk (‘Ma’) von Bishwa Goswami:
Bishwa Goswami hat an mehr als 50 Ausstellungen teilgenommen und zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten. Zum Beispiel 2010 – Best Media Award in Painting, 17th Young Artist Art Exhibition organized by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy at National Art Gallery, Bangladesh und 2011 – 19 th National Award- Bangle Foundation Award, 19th National Art Exhibition organized by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy at National Art Gallery, Bangladesh.
- Mai 2017, 14 Uhr – 18 Uhr, in der Alten Apotheke: Workshop ‘Farben Bangladesch’s – Ölmalerei mit Aquarelleffekt’, Bishwa erklärt seine Technik und unterstützt Teilnehmende bei den ersten Schritten diese umzusetzten. 40 Euro Kostenbeitrag (inkl. Material und kleine Erfrischungen)
Anmeldung bitte unter: Karin Reinprecht 0043-(0)664-104 8478 oder David Hancock 0043-(0)664-3718095 oder salvatorhaus@gmail.com
Gabrielle Buresch-Teichmann (www.color-buresch.at)
- Mai 2017, in der Alten Apotheke
11 Uhr, Gespräch: „Am Anfang war das Rot“ – Was bewirken Farben? Buchpräsentation, Gespräch und ‚Lichterfahrung‘ (etwa 1 std.); freier Eintritt
14 Uhr – 18 Uhr, Workshop: ‘Vertiefung in Farben für den Alltag und zur Therapie’ (Farbtest, Farbreise, Farbtheorie- und fühlen, Farbaufstellung, Lichtbestrahlung); 40 Euro Teilnahmegebühr (inkl. Erfrischungen)
Anmeldung bitte unter: Karin Reinprecht 0043-(0)664-104 8478 oder David Hancock 0043-(0)664-3718095 oder salvatorhaus@gmail.com
Alice Siebenhofer (www.alicesiebenhofer.at)
- Mai 2017, in der Alten Apotheke
14 Uhr – 18 Uhr, Gespräch: ‘Resonanzen’ – Reflexionen in Text und Bild: die Künstlerin führt durch ihre Ausstellung von Fotos und Ölkreidebildern und präsentiert ihr Buch ‘Sehreisen’; anschliessend ein Workshop in dem die Künstlerin Teilnehmende dabei unterstützt, ihre eigenen ‘Resonanzen’ auf Farben zu entwickeln – durch Malen, Schreiben, vielleicht auch Musik und Tanz …; freiwillige Spende erbeten (Material und Erfrischungen werden kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt)
Eulen in Murau – 2016
by Regina Seidl
CAN/FUSION – Bangladesh 2014 – 2016
- October 2016: Can/Fusion in Bangladesh
The plan was: Lukas Ligeti creating new music in cooperation with Bangla musical masters (a cooperation with Bengal Foundation, Goethe Institut in Dhaka, and the Austian Cultural Forum in Delhi): Lukas proposed to create a ‘field of sound’ (“ein Klangland”) in collaboration with 2-3 local musical masters in Dhaka.
And then: Many people were massacred in Holi Bakery, because they were foreigners and Bangladeshi liking foreign bread and food. (Claudia d’Antona our thoughts will always be with you and your suffering!) Life shifted in Dhaka: we can no longer do things as before. Lukas Ligeti could not carry out his musical cooperation. Music and musical cooperation went underground – is now done in private homes. Thank you to the pianist Cornelia Herrmann and the singer Christoph Genz, who do just that.
October 2016
Inspired by Can/Fusion, the composer and musician Lukas LIGETI plans a collaboration with composers and musicians from Bangladesh. The result will be a “Klangland” (‘sound field’), an innovative work at the intersection of sound installation and concert music. Participating musicians, open to and interested in new and different approaches and musical results, will be an inspiration for themselves and their audience. The cooperation across different musical structures and theory will promote mutual learning.
Time: 15th – 25th October 2016
Location: Bengal Foundation concert hall and Goetheinstitut in Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Supported by: Bengal Foundation, Goetheinstitut, Austrian Cultural Forum in Delhi
Initiated by: Can/Fusion virtual projects
August 2016
Nach dem Vortrag durch Hans Stoisser trug Suzanne Barfuß ein Gedicht, sehr passend zum Thema, vor: FLÜGELHERZ 2.2.2015 Suzanne Barfuss, www.suzanne-barfuss.com
October 2015
Julian May, poet and BBC Radio 4 writer/presenter, describes mundane things (mushroom collecting in alpine Murau – “Eierschwammerlsuchen am Lärchberg”) in the most poetic terms.
March 2015
Before we can fuse / integrate external influences or the new into our lives, it confuses us. The new confuses us because it maybe contradicts our truths and worldviews, or because it adds unexpected aspects to our worldviews.
How to communicate with (contemporary) art?
To promote the understanding and appreciation of contemporary art, the Bengal Art Lounge in cooperation with the virtual art space Can/Fusion invited artists, art lecturers and students to participate in an Interactive Training’s Workshop on Art Mediation with the experienced Austrian art mediator and artist Walter Stach, providing the basic skills of art mediation and discussion, which goes beyond art lecture.
Time: 13th – 14th March 2015
Location: Bengal Art Gallery in Dhanmondi, Dhaka
- One train the trainers workshop in Dhanmondi branch of the Bengal Art Foundation on March 13 and 14, 2015;
- Bengal Art Foundation is planning to implement regular sessions of art mediation with classes and the public at the gallery in Gulshan 1 and in Dhanmondi;
- Walter Stach established contacts with Bangladeshi artists for an international art project he currently organises in the context of the next Olympics. Artists from five continents will be invited for contributions – more artists still needed to be involved from the Asian continent.
- Private meetings and discussions on Bengladeshi contemporary art with art collectors were held;
Funded by the Austrian Cultural Forum New Delhi
Confusion comes naturally before the fusion.
Today, we are exposed to more external influences and quicker changes in our everyday lives than humans had ever been before. This is the contemporary state of humankind. The reaction to these imposed influences and changes is often reactionary or even violent to keep the status quo or to realise an ideal traditional society. But, this will not work, never works as everything flows (“panta rhei”).
Art helps us to overcome the state of confusion and reach fusion or integration. Fusing the new or external influences into our lives might simply be, to say, “I know it’s there, but it is not for me, not my opinion, not part of my life …”, or to embrace it and enhance our being with it.
The interventions of the Can/Fusion art project aim to explore from the point of view of art (film, music, literature, visual art) how we can integrate living locally with global ideas coming towards us constantly, challenging our habits and the traditional ways of doing things. These challenges and the resulting confusion might be the main feature of our ‘contemporary being’.
The background beat of fusion and confusion is pivotal to the interventions of Can/Fusion in Dhaka. (by: Dr. Karin Reinprecht, 00880-09918799, Gulshan 1, Rd. 129, Hs. 24).